Wednesday, December 12, 2007

DIY: Make your own Internet buddy!

I uploaded the photos of my project to my computer, so that you can get a visual of the process behind the creation of my final project. Enjoy!

In order have a stable base to put my laptop on (to keep the weight of the computer from collapsing into the box I would use for the body frame), I took two container lids and inserted a roll of cardboard in between. After applying lots of glue at both ends, I painted the surface a happy yellow (it was the only paint I had at the moment) and voila! A "neck" :)

A sheet of cardboard wasn't going to be strong enough to support a laptop, so I took an old hardcover book that we never read anymore (it was a Where's Waldo? book, except my baby sister had circled where Waldo was on each page...), taped down the sides and the binding, drilled a hole through the book, and using a screw, attached it to the container lid. I also added a few globs of glue for good measure.

To make the body, I took an empty cardboard box and cut it so that it would fit properly on office chair I was going to use to transport "Prairie" to class. (Sorry about not rotating the pictures...will edit these pictures after I finish my final paper for tomorrow.) This is the front view.

Side view

Back view

I made a few holes in the other end of the container lid and marked each hole with red paint, so that when I stamped the surface onto the "body," I would know exactly where to insert the screws to attach the neck to the body.

Once the neck was fully secured...

...I took the chair...

...and set the body on the chair to make sure it was secure. And it was!

I had accidentally put away most of my materials and the yellow paint by the time I took this picture, but this is a glimpse of what my workstation looked like. Messy and fun.

This was the last step. I took some of my clothes, stuffed it with newspaper to give it shape, and gave my project a computer mouse for a hand. I wish I had taken a final picture of my project, with the laptop screen and everything, but for now you'll just have to imagine Prairie's face sitting on top of that yellow platform, streaming live to the class via iChat.

Did I mention the mouse was fully functional? I simply strung the usb cable through the arm, up the neck, and into the laptop. The armrest on the chair was wide enough so that the mouse could have a surface to move. I was pretty excited that it actually worked!

So that's how my project came to life. Of course, for most relationships forged through the Internet, sometimes this is as real as it'll ever get. You can imagine all you want and piece together an image of your new friend with the information they provide, but unless you meet them in person and go beyond the computer screen, that genuine human element will always be lacking.


If you, dear reader, were at my Arts 50 final project presentation today, you should know that all of this was in fact a fabrication.

In continuation with my critique of the Internet as a flawed resource for building communities, albeit successful and wildly popular, my dear friend "Prairie" does not actually live in Queens, fact, she is a fellow student at my university who lives just a few minutes away from me. The tricky thing about the Internet is how easily disbelief is suspended, and how many people can so easily believe anything they wish to believe.

In my presentation, I created a "human" model of a friend who I had met through the Internet. Using a cardboard box, an ordinary office chair, my clothes, newspapers, a glue gun, nails, house paint, and LOTS of duct tape, "Prairie" was born--except she had a laptop for a head. Through the Video Chat feature on Mac computers, I was able to introduce her to my entire class in real-time.

Initially, I was afraid that something would go wrong. With something as fragile and risky to rely on like time, I couldn't afford to make too many mistakes. Prior to hauling my project to class, I made a mental note of the possible worst-case-scenarios I could face, and prepared alternative means to continue with (should something happen during my presentation). Of course, right as I finished loading the project into my car, the base that served as the "neck" I would rest the laptop on snapped off. With t-minus twenty minutes left until my presentation, I couldn't afford to go back to my apartment and glue-gun the pieces back together. I crossed my fingers and hoped desperately that after re-assembling the neck on to the body frame, the structure would hold my laptop for at least five minutes. Five minutes, that's all I asked...

I came to class early to make sure that everything would run through smoothly, technologically speaking. As an audience, I know how frustrating and time-consuming it can be watching someone fumble with blocked websites, delays in downloading, etc. Fortunately, I only needed to bring up this blog site and make sure that Prairie was logged on to her computer at the same time I was, so that we could Video chat at the same time. Everything was good to go until two minutes before class, I got a text message that made my heart sink down to my ankles:

"Got a flt tire. Im running L8 but Im close to my apt so Ill be there asap!"

Of all the days, right? Luckily, I was third in line for my presentation, so I had a good 10 minutes to hope that she would get to her computer in time. About five minutes after class began, I got another text message:

"Im here!"

I had told the TA, Marc, of my dilemma, and warned him that I might have to be moved down the list so that Prairie could have time to set up the webcam...but praise God! Everything worked out and with just a few minutes to go, I was set.

I'm not a very good public speaker, and tend to get nervous very easily. Sweaty palms, red ears, the whole nine yards. With all of the silent chaos that had happened in the span of half an hour, my level of nervousness was multiplied, resulting in me talking like one of those announcers at the end of medicine commercials who can say a paragraph of information in 0.265 seconds: "Serious risks associated with this drug include glaucoma, increased body temperature, tingling in arms and legs, fatigue, seizures, and occasionally, death..." It was a good thing my professor told me to slow down in my speech, because I was so nervous I didn't realize I was speaking so fast!

I enjoyed making this project, and it was even more fun having the class interact with Prairie as though she really was someone that lived somewhere far from California. Initially, I had planned to use my friend in Paraguay to do a real-time video chat with, but with the time + language difference, it was more practical to simulate an Internet relationship with someone I knew I could count on 100% to be available between the hours of 1:30 and 3:30 on December 12, 2007. On this blog, all of the activities we did and times we "hung out" are fabricated and slightly exaggerated, although it is a small example of the thousands of people around the world who do begin online friendships--whether it be through gaming (in such group-based computer games, like CounterStrike or World of Warcraft), sharing images on a public photo-based community, or other social networking sites like Facebook.

Last week, one of my classmates presented a blog in which he made up different comments by random users, and challenged the class to discern which users were real and which users he had created. The majority of the class believed that half of the users were genuine...when in reality, my classmate had invented ALL of these different personas, pouncing upon the critique of how easily people will believe what they read on the Internet. To my understanding, much of my classmates did believe that Prairie was someone I had never met in person based on the information they read on this blog and what I told them. Beneath the murky waters of the Internet lie millions of untold secrets and bits of information about who is really on the other side of your computer screen.

I hope that my presentation wasn't too misleading...but at the same time, if it was, then I suppose it was a success :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Web 2.0

According to Tim O'Reilly, founder of the American media company, O'Reilly Media:

Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform. Chief among those rules is this: Build applications that harness network effects to get better the more people use them. (This is what I've elsewhere called "harnessing collective intelligence.")

And to use a Web 2.0 medium to define itself, Wikipedia says:

The phrase Web 2.0 can refer to a perceived second generation of web-based communities and hosted services — such as social networking sites, wikis, and folksonomies — which aim to facilitate creativity, collaboration, and sharing between users.

Basically, the Internet is changing the way society interacts with each another, resulting in a redefinition of the human relationship.

Cool huh? Now I have to go post pictures on my Flickr page so I can show Prairie the cake I ate yesterday for my friend's birthday, then I'll probably check my Facebook, Myspace, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, and school Webmail. It's going to be a busy night so I'll update more tomorrow!

Monday, December 10, 2007

So I've been talking about my BFF all this time, and silly me, I've forgotten to show you what she looks like!

As you can see, she's kind of crazy sometimes. I guess that east coast weather can really get to you, huh?

I still haven't met her in the three years we've been friends, but video chatting with our Macs makes it seem like I don't really have to meet her in person. And we're both cool with that. I think it'd be kind of weird to see the person I've become friends with through the Internet as a real human being. Not to say that I think she's like a robot or anything, but I'm so used to her as this person I only correspond with through e-mails, IMs, video chats, and Facebook messages that being able to actually meet her...well, that's a whole other story! The nice thing about having a friend like Prairie is the convenience of being able to interact at any time, without the stress of face-to-face relationships all the time. I bet if we lived closer, we'd probably end up having to make time for each other, instead of just talking and listening when it's convenient. It's a little unconventional, but I guess it just goes to show that true friends don't always need to be physically there to be the people you're closest to.

YouTube - Red Light, Green Light

Live footage from the "Red Light, Green Light" flashmob my Arts 50 class did a few weeks back. YouTube clip courtesy of Jessica Lee (thanks!).

I especially like 1:06 when a student replies to a comment made by another student that I couldn't really hear. "I don't know, I'm stupid!"

Friday, December 7, 2007

Black Friday

It's Friday. You know what that means!

Unfortunately, my goal of beating Prairie's score failed. And by fail, I mean crash and burnnnn.

18,757! My lowest score yet. Prairie was really nice about it though and thought that maybe because my week hadn't been so great, my Tetris game was being affected. Perhaps. Either way, it was another fun night and time well spent.

Tonight, we talked about how much we both love the color green and boys with weird names like Topher. I also met her roommate, and the three of us had a great time talking about life. It was like having a sleepover and gossiping with your best friends, except not in person...if that makes any sense.

Anyway, I'm tired and I'm going to be pretty busy this weekend, so I may not update as much. I might not even have too much time to talk with Prairie, but I hope she understands and doesn't think I'm ignoring her!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Review: JJ Bakery - Irvine

When Marie Antoinette famously said, "Let them eat cake!", the girl knew better than to withhold these moist, fluffy delicacies from the people (albeit the context is all wrong but for now, let's suspend some disbelief).

Asian bakeries always do it right. It's all about presentation--from the aesthetics of their baked goods to the homey layout of the shop, I've yet to come across an Asian bakery I didn't like. JJ Bakery in Irvine is no exception, conveniently located near the UCI campus. The walls of the store display rows of tantalizing treats, each decorated, garnished, or sprinkled to perfection. For a friend's birthday, we got a pretty normal vanilla fruit cake. But oh, I was wrong.


When the golden cake box top was lifted to unveil the hidden treasure within, I was surprised by its unusual rectangular shape. Cakes must always be circular, right? Wrong! A cake is a cake, and its unique shape only served to enhance its appeal. I took a bite, and I was sold. A soft, creamy center sandwiched between two golden layers of vanilla cake heaven. Subtlety at its best. It is often said that "simplicity is key," and those bakers at JJ Bakery have mastered this art.

I've yet to try the other baked goodies they offer in their store (such as individual slices of green tea cake, chocolate pastries wrapped in cellophane, their traditional Chinese yellow custard dessert), but this blogger will definitely be back for seconds. And thirds. And fourths, fifths, sixths...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I felt like going to Antarctica, so I did.

It's been a while since I last updated. Sorry blog readers!

Today Prairie and I went to Antarctica. Well, not physically, of course! We took a virtual tour (click here) for fun. We started off in Christchurch, New Zealand, packed up our virtual suitcases with all of our necessary gear and flew down to McMurdo Station in Antarctica.

This is an aerial shot of McMurdo. Pretty!

We hung out at the station for a bit, but there wasn't too much to see so we went straight to the South Pole.

This is us "landing" on the ice. Prairie was wondering if the ice made the landing more slippery, and if so, how those planes managed to keep from sliding on the ground forever. I guess we'll have to actually go to Antarctica to see how it works...

The rest of the visit was a little boring so we stopped clicking through the tour. The whole trip lasted about five minutes or so. It was fun hanging out with Prairie and visiting two different continents in one day! Next time we might try to visit the Louvre or something. Until next time, toodle loo!

(Note: All pictures courtesy of

Monday, December 3, 2007

My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Not only did I bomb my English test, but I forgot about my math quiz this morning, lost my car keys, and to top it all off, my milk went bad so I couldn't even eat my cereal! It's a good thing Prairie was on AIM so I could have someone to talk to. I tried venting to my roommates, but they're always so busy or they don't understand my problems. It's not that I don't like them, of's just that I feel more comfortable confiding to Prairie because she always seems to know what I'm going through. After talking to her for a bit, I calmed down a little and wasn't as stressed out as I was before. I'm glad I have someone like her in my life! A true BFF :)