Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I felt like going to Antarctica, so I did.

It's been a while since I last updated. Sorry blog readers!

Today Prairie and I went to Antarctica. Well, not physically, of course! We took a virtual tour (click here) for fun. We started off in Christchurch, New Zealand, packed up our virtual suitcases with all of our necessary gear and flew down to McMurdo Station in Antarctica.

This is an aerial shot of McMurdo. Pretty!

We hung out at the station for a bit, but there wasn't too much to see so we went straight to the South Pole.

This is us "landing" on the ice. Prairie was wondering if the ice made the landing more slippery, and if so, how those planes managed to keep from sliding on the ground forever. I guess we'll have to actually go to Antarctica to see how it works...

The rest of the visit was a little boring so we stopped clicking through the tour. The whole trip lasted about five minutes or so. It was fun hanging out with Prairie and visiting two different continents in one day! Next time we might try to visit the Louvre or something. Until next time, toodle loo!

(Note: All pictures courtesy of

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